Sunday, August 1, 2010

all over again...

in short, i miss you, but i still dont want you.

i just cant accept the fact 2 years ago...and im still trying...

ASG was so fun but you didnt go...if you went it would have been a whole different story.

i wouldnt be able to say that i like tt and i would just have acted differently. i hope you'll be there next year, but now i look to you just as a friend. i'm sorry to say, but not even a good friend. you broke my heart in two and no amount of glue could fix it...

i just wish you'd stop fooling around...


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mgshuttlergrass blogged at 8:14 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Monday, June 22, 2009


take care:)
i'm going to make this short and sweet:)
'm going to remember that for a very long time. nothing's going to make me forget:)


p.s. a night to remember

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mgshuttlergrass blogged at 2:40 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Monday, June 8, 2009


gah...i don't know if I should consider today a good or bad day. i guess it might be both, but it could have been better, only that i was sway...i don't feel like writing about it here...let's go shuttlelove:)

for all you sad people out there who cant read my locked blog, fret not! (sounds like anmol. nerd-ish) you can go read nat ho's blog----- it's seriously quite cool:) i read it:) but i still know my blog is cooler:)

happy reading:)

p.s. ~the second destruction~


mgshuttlergrass blogged at 10:07 PM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Puzzle of my Heart...

That's a nice song:) ^^ anyways, i'm bored. haha. there's so much homework but i dont know what to do first. sigh... life is a mess. JOKER! haha. i;m talking about someone now. ya, i think i know how you feel, it's kind of obvious...but's getting too obvious. even... forget it. you ppl dont need to know:) and now bev is going to say that i'm keeping secrets from her, WHICH IS TRUE! ...but i just cant get myself to tell you. and you dont need to know. haiz...

p.s. i want to play mixed doubles with ***a****. haiz...

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mgshuttlergrass blogged at 10:23 PM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Monday, June 1, 2009

This dare is going nowhere...

I KNOW!!! THAT RHYMES:):):) ok...anyways, when we were playing truth or dare at sarah's house, i dared berenice to admit to everyone that 'ho' in her surname came from marcus. actually, it's quite obvious it's not... and so, she dared me to write ' i want to play mixed doubles with ***a****' as my MSN name...but she forgot to say that i couldn't say that it was a HAHA:) ...and sarah's dare was to write ' i think you are hot, ***a*'. nd the bad thing about her was that the person actually asked her what was with her another HAHA:) anyways, if you didnt know, i have another blog, a locked one. so far, only berenice and janessa can see it, so if you want me to allow you to see the blog, just say so in the tagboard. terms and conditions apply* ok:) so that's all folks:) i have to type out my super long eglish content page now:(


p.s. Love is patient, Love is kind; Love never fails, it never does <3


mgshuttlergrass blogged at 11:30 PM

Loss for words...

ok so training today went kind of ok...except for stuff that i won't say...i'll pobably write it in my locked blog:) anyways, i spent like 4 hours in sarah's house today and we did work AND we played truth or that was whaen i got to write that 'i want to play mixed doubles with ***a****' on MSN...berenice's idea:( but it doesn't really matter anyways:) i'm like so sleepy and tomorrow is SMO so good night:)

p.s. it's a love story, baby just say 'yes'


mgshuttlergrass blogged at 4:18 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Please don't flash this to anyone...

lol...i'm haven't postedd in a long while. But when i compare myself to other ppl, they haven't posted in like 1 month?! so relax, i'm cool:) down to business:) bev is in love with fung-guy, like seriously, like bf gf:) lol:) btw, 1T has a new set of BFFs! << that can mean what u want it to...---bambi and the pie. well, so amny things have happened and ROCs was like just here, and now it's gone:( and i have love story stuck in my head bcoz i kept listening to it on sarah's ipod during ROCs -.- anyways, i think berenice's mac is cool:) especially the taking photos one:) yeah:) roght now, i guess i'm not so emo (yay!) bcoz things change and ppl do to. forget it, let's talk about fun stuff:) I'M LI WEN'S ANGEL! and she being blurer then anmol thought it was yu han all along:) HAHA!
I discovered like the latest discovery:) i went up to blysee and asked about her blog. it's please go see. in one of her entries, somewhere in april, she says that she is the gifted of the gifted students, and that she is unable to communicate with the rest of the class as she is on a higher level of intelligence. and she says that she has to communicate with us on our level. i maen seriously! who do u think u are! u may be smart but dont go biasting it around. i mean u got 242 for PSLE and i'm SO sure that everyone got lower than u that's why you're so amrt... if you become a charlie gordon and say that that is not the accurate measure of intelligence, that what in the world do u want to measure?? social intelligence?? don't kid me...
wow... this is long. and i ended up talking about my BEST FRIEND... anyways, happy holidays. want me to quote u something? here--- "SCHOOLS OUT" (in bad handwriting) >> and we could NEVER EVER EVER guess who wrote that -.-
p.s. what hurt the most, was being so close...

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mgshuttlergrass blogged at 7:14 AM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

About Me

I am Grass.Yes, the green plant on the ground that cows eat. Yes, the one that can photosynthesise...that's me:)

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